This year’s Cruisin the Coast was GREAT. I spotted several little British Cars while driving from Ocean Springs to Bay St Louis and back. And again, and again! Wednesday, I drove the MGB on I-12 and met Tom Halbert at the Shell in BSL. They have a 100% pump and let me tell you if you only have around 66 horsepower, that extra 5-10% of power really comes in handy! We cruised to “Cruise Central and registered, and hung out with Peter Braun. Then I went and checked out the Biloxi Block Party.
Thursday, I met Tom and Nancy in BSL and we checked out the cars then ate at ‘the Buttercup.’ Saw a fine XK120 and E-type power parked on the corner and gave the guy a “save the date” card for our show next year. Then I hit Pass Christian and Edgewater Mall before returning to the Beau Rivage for the night.
Friday my friend Brian came down from TN and rode with me to the swap meet at the Coliseum, where I bought another MGB! Well, it was a 1/64 scale Johnny Lightning, but still… We met Rick and Nathan Mol in their bright yellow Spitfire at The SHED for lunch, then went and checked out Ocean Springs. Packed as usual but I talked with several people interested in MGBs and gave out 3 BMCNO business cards! Friday night was the Beach Boys concert, and I was reminded… the Jag actually made it through ‘Dead Man’s Curve!’
Saturday, I tried to do BSL again but there was not a parking place in the whole town! Ahhh. Saturday traffic was bad right around Biloxi as the traffic lights there are NOT synchronized! Sunday there was an exodus of people heading to Louisiana and Texas in RV’s and pulling trailers… with perfectly good cars on them?
The Roving Reporter
Bobby Spann