Traditional Method:

Click the link, print and fill out the Membership Application
Either – Mail the form with a check to BMCNO, P.O. Box 73213, Metairie, LA 70033
Or – Bring the form and payment to a meeting and give it to a Board Member.

Online Method:

Fill out the following form and pay by credit card!

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This goes on your club Name Tag and the Membership Directory.
If you are applying for an antique license plate, you should fill this out, exactly as it appears on your car registration. (Or if your checks have a different name from what you “go by”!!) If filled in, this will appear on your membership card.
1st British Vehicle
BMCNO is open to anyone who owns, drives or is interested in British Motor Vehicles. (Ownership is not required, but it sure makes it more fun!)
Year Marque Model, color. One per line
I.C.E "In Case of Emergency"
Would you be willing to render aid to other British car drivers in case of emergency? “Aid” could be providing the phone number of a reliable local tow service or showing up with tools to help!!
Are you a member of NAMGBR – North American MGB Register
BMCNO receives discounted event insurance by being affiliated with NAMGBR. We need our MGB members to join NAMGBR to maintain that affiliation. If you own a MGB, please consider joining NAMGBR
Are you a member of VTR- Vintage Triumph Register
BMCNO receives discounted event insurance by being affiliated with VTR. We need our Triumph members to join VTR to maintain that affiliation. If you own any Triumph vehicle, please consider joining VTR.
Permission & Agreement
In consideration of this application, I waive any and all claims for me and my heirs against the British Motoring Club New Orleans and their officers for injury or illness which may result directly or indirectly from my participation in club activities. I also give my permission for use of my name and / or pictures in any broadcast, telecast or any other account of any club activity.
Price: $30.00
Membership runs from July 1 to June 30 and includes a metal, magnetic name tag. You will need to arrange to pick up your name tag at a club meeting.

We receive our event insurance through our affiliation with North American MGB Register (NAMGBR) and Vintage Triumph Register (VTR). We strongly encourage our MGB owners and Triumph owners to join their respective Registers. Click here to join NAMGBR or here to join VTR!