Like the wonderful area in which we live in, the BMCNO enjoys a rich club history.

We have collected a wealth of information of our club’s past and are happy to present it to you here.

We have an early account of the first eight years of the club, Louisiana MG Car Club Centre, in this link: BMCNO Club History – the early years

We have photos from the clubs past events for you to explore under the PHOTO GALLERY link to the left. There is a wealth of pictures of cars. and members long gone. If you can provide any additional information, please let us know and we will update the descriptions.

We have newsletters from much of the past years under the NEWSLETTERS link to the left. If you can fill any gaps, please let us know and we will scan and return the original.

Here is part of the story from the link BMCNO Club History – the early years


Once upon a time, in a galaxy far away……….

Well, our story may not be quite as exciting as you know what; but for we here in Louisiana, the birth of the MG Car Club has been an exciting event indeed!

It all began in March 1977, as Eldridge and Diana Reynolds, owners of a lovely 1961 MGA 1600, decided to see if there weren’t others in Louisiana who were interested in forming a MG Car Club. After exploring the in’s and out’s of setting up such a club, they soon put out a call for other MG owners/friends/admirers/lovers and anyone else who might be interested. With the help of the good people at British Leyland and the enthusiasm of the soon-to-be-members, Eldridge and Diana were soon ready to get the ball formally rolling.

The first meeting was held on Tuesday, May 24, 1977. It was held in New Orleans and was attended by 13 – count’em – 13 happy and smiling members. Soon after a charter was applied for, and on July 6, 1977, the Louisiana Centre of the MG Car Club became official.

As the Centre was getting its legs, so to speak, it also found its voice, as it were. In August, the first issue of the Centre newsletter was printed. Called “Les Pieces D’Huit”, the newsletter provides members with a forum for information exchange and discussion. What’s on the horizon for the Centre? More members, exciting events, good friendship, and beautiful cars, for sure; and some things we’re not so sure about. But whatever comes the way of the Louisiana Centre of the MG Car Club, this we know: the force is with us! ! !

For the rest of the early years of the club’s history 1977 through 1984 click on the link:
BMCNO Club History – the early years