BMCNO Cars and Coffee and outstanding weather brought out nearly two dozen club members Saturday, filling the parking lot on Florida Street in Mandeville with great little British cars. We come for the coffee and stay for the cars. After breakfast, a 40-mile drive took us through the countryside north of Abita Springs, ending at a model train expo at the American Legion Hall in Covington. Grown men playing with toys—ha!



















On Thursday, September 28, 2023, BMCNO members Carol B., Steve L. and Benny S. drove and showed off their British cars and provided a community service by participating in Covington High School’s homecoming parade. Perched on the back of the LBCs, the young maids waved and threw cups and candy. The spectators along the route shouted their affection for the ladies and our cars. Who wouldn’t? The school wants more for next year!

Following Cars and Coffee at Liz’s Where Y’at in Mandeville, a parade of LBCs headed off on a drive down Hwy 190 to Lacombe. Next we travelled along shady Bayou Paquet Road to Bayou Liberty Road, across Bayou Bonfouca, and then Old Spanish Trail to Chef Menteur Hwy and stopping at Fort Pike on the Rigolets. After getting this photo we all started to head back, except for Lenny in his TR6. Where’s Lenny? He called to say his accelerator was stuck and the engine was revving non-stop at 6K. We didn’t go too far before returning to successfully sort out his twin Weber carbs’ linkage problem, thanks to enough tools between us and at least one person (Hugh) who knew what he was doing. That’s okay. It’s all part of the fun!

Much thanks to English Motoring Club of Mississippi for hosting Brits on the Bluff this weekend in Natchez. Almost forty BMCNO members and spouses made the trip entering 26 British cars in the show. Everyone had a wonderful weekend A leaky radiator on the way and a faulty coil connection on the way back added to the fun! And kudos to our Baton Rouge buds for bringing valve cover racing to Mississippi! The trial runs were a blast, and we hope many more participate at our club’s show on March 23rd in Covington!